Hanna Nordqvist

Connection Monologues

Join me for 15 Minutes silent writing online.
It is free and open for all!

Journaling, documenting, making sense…

In March 2020, at the beginning of the Corona-Pandemic, I decided to open a digital writing room for all, who like me felt an urge to process and hold on to different thoughts, feelings and experiences. For me opening this shared writing space helped me commit to daily journaling, and also to create a feeling of connection, as all social contacts suddenly had to be reduced to a minimum. I also had the feeling at the time that it could be important to invite and encourage people to document their everyday personal experiences during this exceptional situation. I believe such simple, personal documentation can have a big value on different levels: to be able to look back and try to make sense of what happened, what moved us, how we lived and dealt with the situation - even simple everyday things. The texts that I wrote at the time during these short morning writing encounters – every day another small note of what I was doing, feeling, hearing, seeing – are definitely precious to me now. It helps me put the whole situation into perspective – to give it a sort of palpable frame within my own life and own experience.

This writing space has continued to be an important point of orientation for me - a set time at the beginning of the day, where I can collect my thoughts or unload unhelpful preoccupations before I get on with what is really important for me.
So I decided to simply keep it going.


My goals:

  • to have a set daily time for a short writing in order to digest and have clarity for feelings and thoughts (-inspiration from „morning pages“ in Julia Cameron’s „Artist’s Way“)
  • to have a peaceful shared room where it is possible to feel the connection to others, while journaling or working on whatever is important to you.

A shared space for silent writing

My Invitation:
 You will find me every morning*** except Sundays at 8:45am Berlin-time in this Zoom-room:
Meeting-ID: 742 0571 1601
Kenncode: 054358

No problem coming late. Simply mute your microphone not to disturb, and start writing, whenever you enter.

Microphones are on mute. Cameras can be on or off, whatever you prefer. (For me it has been inspiring and added to the sense of connection to see the  faces of everyone there, and also to know that I am visible, but I have complete understanding for whoever feels distracted or uncomfortable with the idea of being seen while they are writing. )

At 9 am I end my writing. Normally I will make a spontaneous brief „freestyle“ stretch or shake-out to let go of any built up „writing tension“. You are welcome also join the impulse to stretch out or simply wave goodbye and leave the room.

These 15 Minutes are not for chatting or direct exchange of thoughts, but simply to work quietly in your own notebook or on your own computer.


*** Since I am a mother of a two plus year old, my time-planning is not always so predictable and it could always be single days where due to illness, lack of childcare or similar where I'm prevented to join punctually or at all. The digital writing room is however still open for anyone who wants to enter, and mostly there will be some other participant there.

Curiousity for the complexity of life as guiding and grounding principle of my coaching body-work and embodied writing workshops

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