Workshops & Trainings

In my workshops and trainings I bring together aspects from different body-oriented-approaches with tools from creative writing. These are spaces to move - write - breathe - write - stretch - write - feel - write - speak - write… and then write and write and write…

The aim is to explore and dare to try out different possible paths to move closer to and find expression for what is important to you: To find words and images that resonate with you. To feel at home in your body and to feel at home in your writing.


Happy Body, Creative Mind

What/Why: This short weekly training is a playful movement exploration to wake up the mind and the body and to experience the world with all our senses. Combining mindful movement and breathing exercises – sometimes with short reflections in writing and scribbles, sometimes with music, sometimes in quiet.

When: New dates will be added in Oct 2023

Where: Online over Zoom

Cost: 6 € per training - or 20 € for four trainings to be paid via Banktransfer (DE33 1005 0000 6015 6717 40) or over Paypal (

How: Send me a short message and I will send you the link for the training.


Writing in movement

What/Why: Sometimes we have no idea what to write.

It feels like a blockage, a fog or complete emptiness in our heads. What is it that blocks us in that moment? Is it a sort of traffic jamin our brain or a collection of tensions in the body that blocks the free movement of getting the writing onto the page?

How much control do we actually have over the words that we bring to the paper, and what happens, when we consciously allow ourselves to let go of the control for a moment?

This workshop is about exploring how we can find new inspiration, arrive at what we want to express, and deal with creative blocks through a mindful play with words, sounds, language, images and movement.

When: New dates will be added October 2023

Where: Online over Zoom or  live in KörperRaum Mitte

How: Send me a short message ( and I will send you an invitation as soon as I have added new dates.

Write, Breathe, Sleep

Embodiment challenge to reconnect to yourself and what is important to you.

What/Why:  In this challenge I ask you to take 30 minutes per day for 5 days in a row, to do a couple of small writing- and breathing exercises with me.

I have consciously chosen a time late in the evening (Berlin-time), as possibility to end the day in this way. This will be a space to remind ourselves where we are and what is important to us, before letting sleep do the rest of the work digesting what has happened during day and finding unconscious paths and surprising solutions to the challenges we are facing.

Or, if you choose to stay up later, give yourself the possibility to use this half hour to consciously reconnect to yourself before going on with other evening activities. 

When: Monday 11th until Friday 15th September 2023, everyday from 9:30-10:00 pm (21:30-22:00) Berlin-time.

Where: Online over Zoom. 

Cost: Pay 50 Euros and get 25 Euros back if you show up for all five days. 

How: Send me a short message ( and I will send you further information and the zoom-link.

Digital Embodied-writing Space

What/why: 1,5 hour encouragement to write about anything close to your heart.

Starting with a short set of movement and creative writing exercises to warm up for a longer stretch of focused writing.

Shake, stretch, brainstorm and let your words flow onto the page. 

When: Thursday 7th September 9:30-11:00 with the possibility to stay for co-working until 1pm.

Where: Online over Zoom.  

Cost: 10 Euros per meeting. 

How: Send me a short message ( and I will send you the link and further information.

Connection Monologue

What/why: 15 minutes of silent writing online every morning - to collect your thoughts for the day or get a start with whatever you are working on. The aims:

  • To have a set daily time for a short writing in order to digest and have clarity for feelings and thoughts (-inspiration from „morning pages“ in Julia Camerons „Artists Way)
  • To have a peaceful shared room where it is possible to feel the connection to others, while journaling or working on whatever is important to you.

At the end of the writing period, you are welcome to join me for a very brief silent "freestyle" stretch or shake-out to let go of any built up "writing tension" or simply wave goodbye. 

When: Monday-Friday 8:45-9:00 am Berlin time

Where: Online over Zoom. 

Cost: Free and open for all. 

How: Send me a short message ( and I will send you the Zoom link.